Inside a Primate Research Facility

On Wednesday night, ABC nightly news showed undercover footage taken by an investigator from HSUS inside New Iberia Research Center in Louisiana, which houses roughly 6000 primates and has the largest captive chimpanzee research colony.

Following this exposure, The Great Ape Protection Act was reintroduced in Congress calling for the retirement of the end of the use of great apes in invasive research and retire all federally owned chmpanzees into sanctuary.

Do Contact your Reps about it.

On a disturbing note, I just came across this article that says that scientists have tweaked the HIV virus so it can be injected into monkeys. (previously the Simian SIV version has been used for research and has had limitations.)  Not sure what this will mean for the future of monkey research in HIV…

~ by sangamithra on March 6, 2009.

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